December 17, 2009
Heavy Metal Cuff
This is a new cuff bracelet, woven with textured, shiny corner-less brass beads I bought a while ago from TheJadeDog Beads (thanks Darcy, they're gorgeous!) and using another one of Claspgarten beautiful clasps (check Claspgarten main page and see an absolutely gorgeous bracelet, created by Diane Fitzgerald, using on of their clasps).
If I were to wear any jewelry, this cuff bracelet would probably have been my favorite. I love the simplicity of it!
December 09, 2009
Peace and Winter Olympics EBW Challenge
This is my entry (#13 on the list) for the EBW December Challenge.The theme was chosen by tied first place winners of the October challenge, AngelqueCreations and yours truly (thanks again for everyone who voted for my piece!).
I chose Peace and Jacquie of AngelqueCreations chose the Winter Olympics as a theme. So the two themes were combined and the idea was to create a piece that promote peace and understanding among nations. Friendly competitions like the Olympic games is one example of how conflicts can be put aside and differences in culture or religion become irrelevant...
The inspiration for my Peace on Earth necklace came from the dove with olive branch, which is the symbol of peace in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Another source of inspiration, which represent the other part of the theme, is the Greek laurel wreath that winners of the ancient Olympic Games wore on their heads.
Please visit the EBW blog, between now and the 15th to view all 19 beautiful entries and vote for your favorite. Your comment would also be appreciated.